发布于 2024-06-22 / 8 阅读



  • 中文介绍:计算机网络是将计算机和其他设备连接起来,通过通信系统实现数据传输和资源共享的技术。它通过有线或无线连接,使得计算机之间可以相互通信和交换信息。计算机网络的发展使得全球范围内的计算机都能够相互连接,形成一个庞大的互联网。计算机网络的目标是实现高效、可靠和安全的数据传输,以满足人们对信息交流和资源共享的需求。

  • 英文介绍:Computer networking is the technology that connects computers and other devices together to enable data transmission and resource sharing through a communication system. It enables computers to communicate and exchange information with each other through wired or wireless connections. The development of computer networking has led to the creation of a vast network of connected computers globally known as the Internet. The goal of computer networking is to achieve efficient, reliable, and secure data transmission to meet the needs of information exchange and resource sharing.



  • 中文介绍:应用层是计算机网络中的一个网络模型层次,它为应用程序提供了通信和交互的接口。在应用层,计算机应用程序通过协议与网络进行通信,例如HTTP协议用于Web浏览器与服务器之间的通信。

  • 英文介绍:The application layer is a network model layer in computer networking that provides communication and interaction interfaces for applications. At the application layer, computer applications communicate with the network through protocols. For example, the HTTP protocol is used for communication between web browsers and servers.


  • 中文介绍:运输层是计算机网络中的一个网络模型层次,它负责在网络中可靠地传输数据。常用的运输层协议有TCP(传输控制协议)和UDP(用户数据报协议)。

  • 英文介绍:The transport layer is a network model layer in computer networking that is responsible for reliable data transmission in the network. Common transport layer protocols include TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).


  • 中文介绍:网络层是计算机网络中的一个网络模型层次,它处理数据包的路由和转发。常用的网络层协议是IP(Internet协议)。

  • 英文介绍:The network layer is a network model layer in computer networking that handles routing and forwarding of data packets. The commonly used network layer protocol is IP (Internet Protocol).


  • 中文介绍:数据链路层是计算机网络中的一个网络模型层次,它负责在相邻节点之间传输数据帧。常用的数据链路层协议包括以太网协议。

  • 英文介绍:The data link layer is a network model layer in computer networking that is responsible for transmitting data frames between neighboring nodes. Common data link layer protocols include Ethernet protocols.


  • 中文介绍:物理层是计算机网络中的一个网络模型层次,它处理实际的物理传输介质,例如电缆和光纤。

  • 英文介绍:The physical layer is a network model layer in computer networking that deals with the actual physical transmission media, such as cables and fiber optics.



  • 中文介绍:DNS(域名系统)是计算机网络中的一种服务,它将域名转换为相应的IP地址,使得用户可以使用易记的域名来访问网站。

  • 英文介绍:DNS (Domain Name System) is a service in computer networking that translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses, allowing users to access websites using memorabledomain names.


  • 中文介绍:万维网是基于互联网的一种服务,它通过使用HTTP协议和Web浏览器等工具,使用户可以浏览和访问互联网上的各种网页和资源。

  • 英文介绍:The World Wide Web is a service based on the Internet that allows users to browse and access various web pages and resources on the Internet using tools such as HTTP protocol and web browsers.


  • 中文介绍:CDN(内容分发网络)是一种通过在全球各地部署服务器来提供高速内容传输和交付的技术。CDN可以缓存和分发静态和动态内容,以提高用户对网站和应用程序的访问速度和性能。

  • 英文介绍:CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a technology that provides high-speed content delivery and transmission by deploying servers across the globe. CDN can cache and distribute static and dynamic content to improve user access speed and performance for websites and applications.



  • 中文介绍:数字签名是一种用于验证和确保数据完整性和身份认证的技术。它使用公钥加密算法来生成加密的摘要,以确保数据的不可篡改性和发送方的真实性。

  • 英文介绍:Digital signature is a technology used to verify and ensure data integrity and identity authentication. It uses public-key encryption algorithms to generate encrypted digests to ensure the integrity of data and the authenticity of the sender.


  • 中文介绍:加密解密是一种通过使用密码算法将数据转换为不可读形式,以保护数据的安全性和隐私性的技术。加密过程将明文转换为密文,而解密过程将密文还原为明文。

  • 英文介绍:Encryption and decryption are techniques used to transform data into an unreadable format using cryptographic algorithms to protect the security and privacy of data. The encryption process transforms plaintext into ciphertext, while the decryption process reverses the ciphertext back into plaintext.